What is Play Therapy in Counseling?
Play therapy is a type of treatment that uses play to help kids, usually between the ages of 3 and 12, talk about their feelings, work through them, and solve psychological problems. Children can talk about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a non-directive and creative way with the help
Understanding the Impact of Society on Children’s Growth: A Brief Study
The influence of society on the development and well-being of children is substantial. Children are influenced by their society’s cultural, social, and environmental factors from the time they are born. Various aspects of children’s lives, including their values, beliefs, conduct, and educational opportunities, reflect the influence of society. Some important
Classroom Accommodation for Special Needs Children: inclusive strategies – Part III
Effective Classroom Strategies for Supporting Students with Diverse Special Needs Managing and controlling special needs students in a classroom is a challenge to most teachers. Since only have educational qualifications, they are not able to deliver smooth personal deep touch to the students, but years of experience and patience will
Classroom Accommodation for Special Needs Children: inclusive strategies – Part II
Accommodating students with unique needs in the classroom Independent learning is difficult for many special needs students. They frequently require specialized training and more scaffolded support, including work decomposition into smaller, more manageable pieces, visual aids, and regular check-ins to make sure they are progressing as intended. Teachers can provide
Classroom Accommodation for Special Needs Children: inclusive strategies – Part I
Special Needs Children with special needs include those who have substantial chronic illnesses, developmental disabilities, mental retardation, emotional disturbances, sensory or motor impairments, or emotional disturbances and need specific care, programs, interventions, technologies, or facilities. The varieties of special needs children, a few disorders, how to accommodate them, the difficulties
Positive parenting techniques are essential for healthy child development.
What does Positive Parenting entail? Positive parenting is an approach to child rearing that emphasizes nurturing a strong and supportive parent-child relationship, encouraging emotional and social development, and employing nonpunitive discipline techniques. It is founded on empathy, understanding, and open communication, with the goal of creating a nurturing environment that