Family Bonding

Spending time together is one of the greatest gifts families can give each other. Sharing quality time not only strengthens and strengthens family bonds, but also provides a sense of belonging and security for all family members. Research has shown that when families engage in activities together, children not only acquire important social skills, but also have greater self-esteem. Strong family bonds also encourage better behavior in children, improve academic performance, strengthen parent-child communication and teach children how to be a good friend.

As a parent, you play a key role in nurturing and protecting these family bonds. But building strong family ties doesn’t always happen naturally. In our busy lives, making time for your family can take a concerted effort. If you want to make these solid foundations a reality in your family, you need to adhere to these 05 essential practices listed below.

To eat together

Choose a few nights during the week when you expect everyone to gather around the dinner table.

Do not allow phones or other electronic devices. Just eat something (something simple is fine!) and chat together. Studies have shown that sharing meals has a positive impact on children’s physical and mental well-being. It can also improve communication and strengthen family bonds.

Do the Housework

Make cleaning your home or taking care of your garden a responsibility shared by the whole family. Make a list of activities and ask everyone to register. Then set a time during the week or weekend when everyone can complete their tasks at the same time.

If your teens have busy schedules and need a little more flexibility, give them a deadline to complete their tasks. But remind them that doing chores together gets the job done much faster than doing it alone.

Create a Mission Statement

When most parents think of mission statements, they think of nonprofits and corporations. But these documents also work well for families. While it may seem a little corny or too corporate, preparing a mission statement for the family can help you prioritize your family.

A family mission can remind anyone of your family’s core values or what you love most about each other. It’s easy and fun to develop as a family, so it’s a great project for the family home evening. Your explanation doesn’t have to be long or complicated. Something like “In our family, we love and help each other” is enough (but if your kids want to make a long list, let them!).

When you’re done, hang your mission statement in a prominent place in your home. Read it, consult it and talk about it often. Help identify what’s essential to your family.

Have family Reunions

Family gatherings are a great time for everyone to strike up a conversation, air grievances, or discuss future plans. For example, a family reunion is a good time to talk about an upcoming day trip, family vacation, or how you plan to get chores done over the weekend. These meetings can be scheduled events in your family calendar, or you can make them impromptu and allow each family member to call a meeting if needed. Family reunions can also be used to set family goals. Begin each of these meetings by reading your family mission statement. If you have a large family, start by asking if anyone has a problem or an agenda item. Write down what everyone wants to talk about and go through them one by one.

Encourage Support

Feeling supported by your family is one of the most important elements of building strong family bonds. Bonds like these will last your kids a lifetime.

To create a sense of support, encourage everyone to learn what is important to their family members and to do their best to support each other through the good and the bad times. Everyone in the family should feel empowered to share the good news as well as bad and receive a loving response.

Families who share everyday activities together form strong, emotional ties. Studies have found that families who enjoy group activities together share a stronger emotional bond as well as an ability to adapt well to situations as a family.

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